Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Country Style Pork Ribs 4 Dummies

Disclaimer: I can't cook, but I'm trying. Funny how since my last name used to be the same as some "famous cook," people think I should be great at it. I'm not – I struggle. And for your information, she is fictional!!!

Since these were such a success and SO EASY the first time, I am making these for the second time tonight! I'm sure they will be EVEN better this time, since the first time we had to leave for the E.R. right before eating them. (My husband had an accident involving a drill bit and his thumb, but that is NOT what you want to read about when reading a recipe, sorry.)

Country Style Pork Ribs 4 Dummies:


2.5 – 5 pounds of country style pork (or beef) boneless ribs

½ - full bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (I struggle at the grocery store, so I forgot to buy some – NOW I get to make my own from a recipe in my Grandma’s Church Cookbook – UGGGG! See Recipe below if you struggle too).


1- Put Ribs in a stockpot and add enough water to cover them. Mix ½ cup of BBQ sauce in the water and add some garlic salt if you want.

2- Cover & Bring to a boil.

3- Reduce heat and SIMMER FOR 2 HOURS, until tender. (I struggle at knowing what “tender” means, but I think it is just until you poke them with a fork and they start to shred where you poked them).

4- Preheat oven to 350F  - I forgot to do the "preheat" thing and it was already after 6!

5- Transfer ribs into a cake pan and cover them with BBQ sauce.
I struggle to Not make a mess...

6- Cook for about 20-30 minutes, until the BBQ sauce is bubbly and “caramelizing” (Struggle= Sticky and hard in some places)

7- Serve with whatever sides you like – I’m making Asparagus in the oven tonight, since the oven will be on anyway! (See next post)

Whoops BBQ Sauce:

I was surprised how easy this was – not my favorite flavor ever, but it saved me a trip to the dreaded grocery store!

Mix Together:

½ cup Ketchup

4 tablespoons Brown Sugar

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (I was surprised we had this! My husband does NOT struggle in the kitchen or grocery store)

2 tablespoons yellow/spicy mustard

1 tablespoon of Red Wine Vinegar

1 teaspoon garlic powder

¼ teaspoon salt

I added a few dashes of A-1 (but don’t tell my husband – he struggles with the taste!) and some steak seasoning that I found in the cupboard.

Like I said, not the best flavor, but it gets the job done!


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